Yankee Homecoming: A Family Tradition

100% non-profit - every dollar counts

Yankee Homecoming: A Family Tradition

100% non-profit - every dollar counts

Yankee Homecoming: A Family Tradition

100% non-profit - every dollar counts

About Us

Yankee Homecoming: A Family Tradition.

July 27th – August 4th

In 1958, Newburyport joined twenty-nine other New England communities in holding a celebration that would bring people together. Since then, the Yankee Homecoming committee has carried on this tradition for families, visitors, and volunteers to enjoy and is the only community that has continuously held this yearly festival since the beginning.

My theme this year is Yankee Homecoming: A Family Tradition. I like to say that I was “born” into Yankee Homecoming. My tradition included my mom bringing me to Olde Fashioned Sunday, walking around at the Craft Fair, attending the Waterfront Concerts, and seeing the Fireworks. This tradition has continued to this day, as I look forward to the week of Yankee Homecoming each year. However, it wasn’t until I was older that I realized it really was a family tradition. My grandparents and parents have been General Chairs multiple times, so it only made sense that I loved the week-long festival as much as they did.


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July 27th - August 4th

Check out all of our events throughout our weekly celebration