Yankee Homecoming is an 9 day celebration filled with mostly free activities and entertainment all week long. We are a non-profit organization made up of 100% volunteers. We have many volunteer opportunities year round. Some require long term commitments and others an afternoon at an event or simply making phone calls, or sending emails in the comfort of your own home. With all that we have to offer we are sure to have something for all interest and all time schedules.

If you are a brand new to Homecoming and curious to learn how to be involved, come join us at one of our general meetings.  If you are a returning volunteer, come and bring a friend and introduce them to a great group of volunteers working hard to make 2022 a success.

Yankee Homecoming is proud to be working with Volgistics a volunteer management database which will allow our volunteers
* To see all open volunteer positions with a description of each
* Manage your own volunteer schedule allowing you to sign up for and if needed remove yourself from a position
* Get reminders of your volunteer schedule

Everyone volunteering in 2022 is required to register with Yankee Homecomings Volgistics site HERE, however I can assure you we will continue to hold your information in a safe and confidential manner.

We look forward to seeing you at one of our next general meetings held at 6:30pm at Starboard Galley

March 5th
April 2nd
May 7th
June 4th
July 2nd
July 23rd

If you are looking to register for our mailing list please do this on our Mailing List link to the right.  Signing up for our volunteer database does not automatically sign you up for our mailing list.