General Chair, Brittany Verville  [email protected]

Yankee Homecoming Fundraising Events Chairs
Brewfest, Jen Duggan and Missy Barrett  [email protected]
YHC Geno Open Golf Tournament, Gary & Donna Greco [email protected]

Yankee Homecoming Event Chairs  
Art on the Bartlet Mall, Michael Updike [email protected]
Coast Guard Tours, Jennifer Lacroix [email protected]
CornHole Tournament, Alysha & Matt Haskell [email protected]
Downtown Entertainment, Michael Bernier [email protected]
Evening Waterfront Concerts, Diane Drinan  [email protected]
Family Day, Missy Barrett [email protected]
Fireworks, Jason Lacroix [email protected]
Generations of Giving, Dawn Malatesta & Deb Casey [email protected] 
Heritage Tours, Ghlee Woodworth [email protected]
High School Battle of the Bands, Ben Eramo, [email protected] 
Know Your Community, Paul Bushey [email protected]
Nursing Home Concerts, Lucien Lacroix, Vicki Weeks, [email protected]
Market Square Craft Show, Wendy Buda & Heather Buda Alexander [email protected]
Morning Workout Series   [email protected]
Olde Fashioned Sunday,  [email protected]
Parade, Stephanie Bearse,    [email protected]
Road Rally, John and Anne Lagasse  [email protected]
Sidewalk Sales, Dennis Palazzo [email protected]
Support Local, Neil Wilson  [email protected]
Veterans Luncheon, Jan Kolman and Carole Appleton  [email protected]
Waiter/Waitress Race, Cheryl Munich & Lloyd Laramie  [email protected]

Yankee Homecoming Logistics Chairs
General Information, [email protected]
Marketing & Social Media,  [email protected]

Program Book [email protected]
Vendors, Dennis Palazzo [email protected]
Volunteer Resource Manager, [email protected]

Are you interested in sponsoring an event or activity?  Please contact  Jason Lacroix, [email protected]


President Jennifer Lacroix
Vice President Dennis Palazzo
Vice President Jason Lacroix
Treasurer Lucien Lacroix
Clerk Alysha Haskell


Brittany Verville
Carole Appleton
Diane Drinan
Gary Davis
Jennifer Duggan
Judy Lacroix
Mel Hendrickson
Mike Volpone
Paul Bushey
Richard Eaton

Directors Emeritus

Dan Appleton
Hank Farmer
Robin Blair